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What to Expect


Glow Ministry welcomes everyone in a relaxed atmosphere. We want you to feel welcome in our community, to hear about God's love for you, to learn from the Bible together, and to feel free to ask questions.

We hope you can join us at our regular events!

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Adult Classes



We offer free ESL classes, mentorship, parenting classes, and Bible studies.


If you would like to request a class (cooking, parenting, tutoring) please contact us.

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Glow Kids

隔週金曜4:00 pm-5:30 pm 0-10歳までの子供たちの楽しい集まりです。ゲームや、歌や、聖書のストーリーをみんなで学びます。保護者の方もぜひご参加ください。参加費は無料です。


Fun Fridays at 4:00 pm are where GLOW Kids ages 0-10 come together to play games, sing, and learn Bible stories. Parents are welcome to stay and observe. RSVP is requested.

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年間イベントAnnual Events


We host many events throughout the year like Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Camp, Ladies' Retreat, Undokai, Christmas Party, and more! Be on the lookout on the events calendar!

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