Welcome to Glow Ministry!
Glow へようこそ! Glowを通して、みなさんがアメリカの文化や英語に触れ、また聖書を知る機会が与えられること、さらに、地域のアメリカ人や日本人の方々と交流する場となるように願っています。
Welcome to Glow Ministry! We are here to help you get to know American culture and the English language and introduce the Bible. Glow provides you a great opportunity to connect with Americans and Japanese in your community!
We would love for you to connect with us!
Upcoming GLOW Events
We have many events throughout the week! We offer free ESL classes on Wednesday mornings, kids classes on Friday afternoons (twice a month), and other fun events such as Undokai, christmas party, and more!
We hope you can join us!